Sunday, October 30, 2011

H2S Corrosion Coating

Hydrogen sulfide is a chemical compound with the formula H2S name. Chemistry is just two hydrogen atoms bonded to a sulfur atom. Hydrogen sulfide gas is commonly associated with smell of rotten eggs and flatulence. It is a natural substance found in volcanic eruptions, natural gas and even some wells. In fact, Jefferson pools located in Hot Springs, Virginia, hosted by Thomas Jefferson, its medicinal use also contain dissolved gas concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and actually emit a sweet smell of rotten eggs. This compound is also found in human environments such as industrial fuel refineries, sewage / wastewater pumping and treatment facilities, and even some paper mills.
Table of toxicity seen on this page, which is longer than usual to become a serious health consequences and even death. Although many of us are familiar with the smell of hydrogen sulphide properties (usually much lower concentrations), were largely unaware of its corrosive properties, especially when it comes to electronics especially for printed circuit boards. Corrosion can occur at lower concentrations, as well. Electronic damage usually occur because of chronic lower concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, but it can definitely set the exposure to higher concentrations in a shorter period.
One of the methods commonly used to treat H2S-induced corrosion is the application of the secondary market with the protective coating on the boards, some of which are providers of maintenance and repair. This condition usually mitigates corrosion damage. However, the unwanted "side effect" is a post-sale support to the Government of coatings is that they can be de-rating the heat tolerance of electronic components. In other words, the conformal coating may actually impair the ability of heat dissipation of electronic components, and this can lead to 'induced, pre-mature failures.
Through extensive field experience and repair bench in the Delta Automation has decided that the best way to minimize the electronic components, the problem is:
Hold components first board clean and free of moisture and / or condensation.
2. Maintain a positive pressure within the side panels compared to the ambient pressure of the room through the use of an inert gas such as argon. 3. Use the equipment OEM coatings applied. OEM coatings are more effective than the market after applying the coating, and the effects of heat dissipation layer are designed in the heat capacity of the electronic components installed.
Insert the Delta automation to answer all your questions on how to maximize the durability and reliability of electronics systems'.

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Phone: 780-465-5050


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