Thursday, December 29, 2011

Electroless Nuclear Coating

Chemical nickel plating is used to deposit nickel without using an electric current. The coating is deposited by autocatalytic chemical reduction of nickel ions by hypophosphite compounds, aminoborane or borohydride. Two other methods have been used commercially for electroplating nickel, without power, including immersion plating (1) on steel from solutions of nickel chloride and boric acid at 70 ° C (160 ° F) and (2) the decomposition of nickel carbonyl vapor at 180 ° C (360 ° F). Immersion deposits, however, are poorly adherent and non protective, whereas the decomposition of nickel carbonyl is both expensive and dangerous. Therefore, electroless nickel only gained wide acceptance. Since the commercial use acquired in 1950, the electroless nickel grown rapidly and is now an established industrial process.

Currently, low acid hypophosphite hot bath are the most commonly used for steel plate and other metals, while the alkaline hot water baths hypophosphite are used for coating metal and plastic. Borohydride reduced baths are also used to plate iron and copper alloys, especially in Europe. Nickel is a chemical engineering coating, normally used due to the corrosion resistance and excellent wear. Electroless nickel coatings are frequently applied to aluminum to provide a surface for welding and are used with molds and dies to improve the lubricity and release of some. Because of these properties, chemical nickel coatings have found many applications, including oil, chemicals, plastics, optics, printing, mining, aerospace, nuclear and automotive electronics, computers, textiles, paper, machinery and foodstuffs (Ref).

Unlike electroplating, electro less plating allows for storage of materials of uniform coating on all surfaces, conductivity, size, shape and electrical. Electro-less copper and nickel phosphorus deposits to provide protective and functional coatings industries as diverse as electronics, automotive, aerospace and chemical engineering. This book covers the latest research on the electro deposition of less.

After an introductory chapter, the first part focuses on evidence from the review of the chemical copper areas, such as surface morphology and residual stresses, modeling the surface structure, the bond strength of the deposition electrolytic copper, the electrical resistivity and chemical applications of copper deposition. The second part is going to nickel-phosphorus electroless deposition with chapters on the crystallization of nickel-phosphorus deposits, the modeling of the thermodynamics and kinetics of the crystallization of nickel-phosphorus deposits, artificial neural networks (RNA) models of crystallization temperatures, the hardness of the evolution of nickel-phosphorus deposits and applications of electroless nickel-phosphor plates.

Some of the advantages and limitations of electroless nickel coatings include corrosion resistance advantages and even wear and excellent cost Weld ability Weld ability of low wages which exceed the limits of the chemical characteristics of the fragility of solder plating due to poor plate contamination with nickel phosphorus deposits need for nickel copper alloys containing significant amounts of lead, tin, cadmium and zinc before you can apply electroless nickel plates slower compared to the electrolytic method.

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